
of Services

Psychological Testing: Depending on the type of testing that is the best fit for you, testing cost ranges between $550-$3300. Please note that this does not include custody evaluations.

Therapy: $200 per hour

*Please note that sliding scale fee options are available and adjusted based on your ability to pay. The purpose of the sliding scale fees is to make services more accessible and affordable. I encourage you to inquire about services regardless of budget, as we will always work to find a comfortable financial option for you!

*HSA is accepted and payment plans are additionally available.


  • Priority Mental Health is an out-of-network provider. This means that we do not contract with your insurance provider directly; however, we do provide superbills and accept HSA.

    A superbill is a detailed invoice outlining the services a client received. The client submits the superbill to insurance for reimbursement. More specifics of this can be discussed during the initial consultation with the provider!

  • Yes, we have a limited number of spaces for sliding scale clients. If this is something that interests you, please be prepared to discuss your income and other financial matters in order to determine the best fee for you.

  • We understand that life can sometimes be unpredictable.

    For therapy:

    • We ask for 24 hours notice if you need to cancel. You will be charged 75% of your total session charge if an appointment is missed or canceled late.

    For testing:

    • We ask for 72 hours notice if you need to cancel. You will be charged 75% of your total session charge if an appointment is missed or canceled late.

  • Payments are accepted in the form of e-transfer. We accept credit, debit, paypal, and venmo. We accept HSA.

  • Payment is at the start of the session. This will be further discussed during the consult.

  • You have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost. This will be provided prior to starting therapy/testing when you complete all necessary paperwork!

    • If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.