Testing & Evaluation Services

Psychological testing services allow for comprehensive assessments to evaluate various aspects of cognitive functioning, emotional health, and behavioral patterns. Testing services can provide a holistic picture of your mental health.

With the insight gained from testing, you will receive accurate diagnoses and customized treatment plans. This process helps guide therapy, medication management, and other interventions to improve mental health outcomes. Acquiring accurate testing is essential for appropriate diagnoses, allowing for timely and effective support.

Types of testing provided:

  • illustration of cognitive differences that are found through ADHD testing and assessment, such as working memory and processing speed


    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental disorder that is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. ADHD can impact children and adults in different ways. Likewise, there are gender differences in the presentation of ADHD.

  • illustration of the ready, writing, spelling, and grammar errors that are commonly associate with dyslexia and dysgraphia, and can be identified through dyslexia or dysgraphia testing

    Dyslexia / Dysgraphia

    Dyslexia is a brain-processing difference that impacts the efficiency and accuracy of reading. Dysgraphia affects aspects of writing, such as spelling, legibility, letter/word spacing, grammar, and composition. Testing can provide information on the root cause of these struggles, in addition to identifying one's unique strengths.

  • illustration of specific learning disorders in reading, writing, and mathematics that qualifies students for a 504-plan or IEP

    Learning Disorders

    Specific learning disorders, such as in reading, writing, and mathematics, is a brain-based disorder that impacts your ability to learn and utilize information.

    Assessing for specific learning disabilities is helpful in identifying specific academic and school supports that can be used in a 504-plan or IEP.

  • illustration of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that causes social challenges, repetative and stereotypes movements, and cognitive challenges

    Autism Spectrum Disorder

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. ASD look different for everyone; however, this condition is typically characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, and speech + nonverbal communication.

  • illustration of gifted or twice exceptional students that would qualify for gifted classes and advanced academic placement

    Gifted/twice exceptional

    Gifted individuals may have enhanced academic skills that are beyond their grade level. Twice exceptional (2E) is a term used to described gifted children that also have another diagnosis (e.g., ADHD). In other words, they are gifted but also face learning or developmental challenges.

  • illustration of mood and behavioral concerns such as anxiety, depression, ODD, trauma, eating disorder, anger issues, anger management, OCD, and panic.

    Mood & Behavioral concerns

    Various mood challenges, such as anxiety and depression, cause disruption in daily life. These mood concerns can also play a role in behavioral disruptions and oppositional or defiant behaviors. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), for example, is a behavioral condition that involves a combination of emotional dysregulation and social conflict. Posttraumatic stress is another example of a disorder that impacts both our emotions and behaviors.

  • illustration of personality disorders and mood concerns such a BPD, boderline personality, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mania, and multiple personalities

    personality disorders

    Personality disorders are conditions where people have a lifelong pattern of seeing themselves and reacting to others in a way that may cause challenges. Personality disorders may make it difficult to understand emotions and tolerate distress. Often, personality disorders impact one's ability to relate to others including family life, social activity, and work + school performance.

  • illustration of the changes required for bariatric surgery and bariatric evaluation or testing


    A bariatric assessment is a critical step in the preoperative process, helping to identify and manage condition that may impact surgery and/or recovery. This focuses on behavior, psychological symptoms, understanding of surgery, and motivation to create change and maintain healthy lifestyle changes.

  • illustration of custody evaluations that are commonly requires when parents are going through separation or divorce, and are needing a custody evaluation to determine parental rights and placement of the child


    Custody evaluations help determine what is in the best interest of children in a custody or divorce case. This process is helpful to learn about you, your child(ren), and your unique circumstances and needs.




Through standardized tests and clinical evaluations, you can gain a deeper understanding of mental processes, including memory, attention, and problem-solving abilities. Cognitive assessments such as IQ tests or neuropsychological evaluations are often used to diagnose conditions like ADHD, learning disabilities, and memory impairments.

Emotional assessments focus on identifying underlying emotional concerns that may impact well-being, such as anxiety, depression, and trauma. Useful tools, like personality inventories, mood assessments, and projective tests, can offer insight into how emotions influence thoughts and behaviors. Emotional testing is most beneficial in diagnosing mood disorders, understanding stress responses, and developing effective treatment plans.

Behavioral assessments may include observation, self-report questionnaires, and behavior rating scales. Behavioral testing is particularly useful in understanding patterns related to ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and other behavioral conditions (e.g., ODD) that likely require intervention strategies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or behavioral modification.


Regardless of the type of testing that is the best fit for you, you can expect at least 3 appointments for testing that are outline below. However, some evaluations (e.g., custody evaluation) may take additional sessions to complete.

  1. One-hour intake appointment.

    • This first appointment is used to gather information, determine what type of testing is needed, and address any questions or concerns you may have. No actual testing takes place during the initial appointment. This session will be conducted via telehealth (phone/video).

  2. 2-8 Hour testing appointment

    • Depending on the test that is the best fit for you, a testing session ranges from 2-5 hours. Please note that this appointment will take place within your home or at a designated meeting spot. The provider will bring all necessary testing equipment along to this appointment.

  3. One-hour feedback session

    • This final appointment will occur approximately 15 business days following the testing session. During this session, you and the provider will review the findings and final report. Any supported diagnoses and recommendations will be given at this time. This session will be conducted via telehealth (phone/video).


  • Good question! Everyone’s needs are different depending on presenting symptoms and goals of testing. Book a free consultation to discuss concerns and options with the provider, to ensure we are picking the best assessment for you.

  • Please see our fees page for more information.

  • If choosing to complete psychoeducation testing such as ADHD or academic testing, your testing results may provide accommodations at school. Please note that one must meet criteria for specific disorders (e.g., ADHD, learning disorder, etc.) to obtain a 504-plan or IEP within a school system. If you have further questions about this, please contact us to speak directly with the provider.

  • Currently, we do not provide:

    • Chemical assessments (Rule 25)

    • Rule 50 assessments

    • Fitness for Duty assessments

    • Anger management assessments

  • We understand that life can sometimes be unpredictable. We ask for 72 hours notice if you need to cancel a testing session. A portion of your session will be charged if an appointment is missed or canceled late. This is discussed further on our fees page.

  • We understand that testing can be complicated and are happy to discuss further with you! Please visit our contact page to find options to speak directly with the provider!