Individual Therapy (18+)

A collaborative process between a therapist and an individual seeking help.

Individual therapy involves a client working one-on-one with a therapist to address personal issues. The client and therapist work together to explore feelings, behaviors, emotions, and beliefs is a safe and confidential setting.

I will start filling my own cup,
Being my own muse,
Knowing my own worth,
Loving my own skin,
Praising my own existence,
Validating my own journey,
Speaking my own truth,
Admiring my own reflection,
Experiencing my own love,
Enjoying my own company,
Extending my own energy,
Creating my own paradise

individual therapy illustration showing the power of a client and therapist relationship

Presenting Conditions &

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Trauma and PTSD

  • Family conflict

  • Relationships

  • Communication skills

  • Social skills

  • Anger

  • Eating and body issues

  • Self esteem

  • Chronic pain

  • Work and occupation

  • Life stage transitions

Therapeutic intervention

  • Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

  • Acceptance commitment therapy (ACT)

  • Motivational interviewing (MI)

  • Trauma-informed care

  • Gender and sexuality affirming care

  • Culturally competent care

  • Management of medical needs (e.g., healthy lifestyle changes,
    medication management, coping with illness/chronic pain)

  • Behavioral management

  • Exposure therapy

  • Self-esteem and body image exploration

  • Art/creative interventions

  • Parent training

  • Mindfulness