

Ranging from individual adult and child therapy, to family and relationship therapy, we offer a wide range of services, approaches, and tools to support your mental health journey.

We are here to offer a safe environment to help you navigate life’s hardships. We aim to provide a relatable space where you feel empowered to explore and process.

Presenting Conditions & Specialties include:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Trauma and PTSD

  • Family conflict

  • Eating and body issues

  • Anger/Defiant behavior

  • Relationships

  • Parent help

  • Chronic pain

  • Work and occupation

  • Life stage transitions

  • Self-esteem


  • Individual Adult Therapy (18+)

    Individual therapy involves a client working one-on-one with a therapist to address personal issues. The client and therapist work together to explore feelings, behaviors, emotions, and beliefs is a safe and confidential setting.

  • Individual Child therapy (<18)

    Child therapy can be practiced with one child, a child and parent(s), or even the whole family. Despite the format, child therapy aims to help the child deal with a variety of issues that affect their feelings, attachment, actions, and learning.

  • Relationship, Couples, and marriage therapy

    This type of therapy focuses primarily on romantic relationships and marriages. It is a type of joint therapy in which a couple seeks support. Through teaching and communication, each partner can gain insight into their personal contribution to the problem and how to best support each other.

  • family therapy

    Family therapy focuses on the entire family unit to help the family work through difficult situations and improve their relationships. Improving communication, resolving conflict, and learning how to best support each other are common tactics. The family is viewed as a whole and each member gets the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings towards the situation.

  • parent training

    Parent training is a form of structured therapy that helps parents learning how to improve their child's behaviors and promote positive family life. Parent training can be beneficial in preventing the onset of later mood and behavioral concerns within the home.

  • reunification therapy

    Reunification therapy aims to reestablish a relationship between a parent and children that has been broken or damaged. The goal is to rebuild trust and improve communication in order to restore the child's sense of attachment to their parent.


  1. If we decide to work together, we will spend our first few sessions getting to know each other to start the therapeutic process with a strong foundation. The first few sessions will feel different than the rest, as it will focus on gathering information on your background and current symptoms. Throughout this process, we will identify goals to focus on throughout your therapy journey. Creating goals allows us to track your growth and revisit the foundation of why you are engaging in therapy.

  2. Once establishing our initial information and goals, we will engage in therapeutic intervention with the aim to develop insight and cultivate meaningful, long-lasting transformations. This may include working through deep-seeded patterns and dynamics that you carry in your life. As an eclectic therapist with diverse training, I will tailor the therapeutic intervention to best fit your needs. This will include but is not limited to:

    • Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT)

    • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

    • Acceptance commitment therapy (ACT)

    • Motivational interviewing (MI)

    • Trauma-informed care

    • Gender and sexuality affirming care

    • Culturally competent care

    • Management of medical needs (e.g., healthy lifestyle changes, medication management, coping with illness/chronic pain)

    • Behavioral management

    • Exposure therapy

    • Self-esteem and body image exploration

    • Art/creative interventions

    • Parent training

    • Mindfulness

  3. Throughout our work together, we will regularly discuss progress and adjust session frequency, breaks, and termination as needed. The overarching goals of therapy is to help you grow enough insight and skills to where you easily cope with stressors on your own. Over time, your skills will become engrained and allow you to manage past, present, and future stressors with increased ease. Overall, I am focused on doing the complex, thoughtful, and sustained work of helping you transform your life.


  • Typically, most people attend once a week. However, we can determine the frequency that best fits your needs. Factors that may impact how often you attend therapy can include current symptoms/functioning, your own schedule, and finances. During the initial consult, we can discuss what may work best for you!

  • Teletherapy allows for flexibility in scheduling, allowing therapy to fit into your life, rather than trying to fit your life around therapy. For example, you only need to block out time for your appointment, not for your appointment plus a commute. Also, being in a familiar and safe space can be helpful. You won’t have the added stress of finding the office, getting a parking spot, or dealing with strangers in the waiting room or hallway. There are also fewer disruptions to therapy--no need to cancel due to weather, sickness, travel, or childcare needs. If you are feeling hesitant towards telehealth, we can discuss this more during the consult to ensure you are feeling comfortable and confident before starting therapy.

  • No, not at all—therapy benefits everyone! The work we do can be much more than looking into a specific problem. It can be about seeking greater knowledge of yourself and who you are. Sometimes starting therapy when we feel good is the best time!

  • We understand that life can sometimes be unpredictable. We ask for 24 hours notice if you need to cancel. A portion of your session will be charged if an appointment is missed or canceled late. This is discussed further on our fees page.

  • Please see our fees page for more information.

  • We understand that deciding on the right fit for therapy can be complicated and are happy to discuss further with you! Please visit our contact page to find options to speak directly with the provider!